Is it possible to copy NFT?

One of the most important topics in the realm of cryptocurrencies is Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Millions of dollars have been paid for the sale of some NFTs.

Even though this market is expanding rapidly, there is still much disagreement over NFTs and their worth. Whether they can be duplicated is a key factor in this. At first, this could seem like a difficult topic to understand, but if you keep reading, you’ll discover everything you need to know to correctly respond to this question.

What is an NFT? 

First and foremost, we must comprehend what an NFT is. Even though this seems like a basic question, it is often misunderstood. In theory, you could make an NFT out of anything. You can use your kitchen or your favorite couch to make an NFT. Even games, digital flowers, memes, and music are among the most widely used NFTs, explore all types of NFT.

But for the sake of clarity, let’s concentrate on an image NFT. If you purchase the NFT, you will be doing so in order to have the legal right to own that specific work of art. In the blockchain, there will be a record of this transaction. Even though it seems straightforward, there is more to this story than meets the eye.

Artists’ NFT Works Can Be Copied Easily

How simple it is to replicate NFT artwork is one of the greatest NFT controversies. Despite the fact that Beeple sold an NFT for $69 million, anyone with access to the internet and a computer may access and replicate it. Taking a screenshot is all that is required to copy the NFT artwork. You can copy it to your computer with a right-click, which is even simpler. There is no fee of any kind required. You won’t have the best resolution possible, but you get the idea.

This does not imply that you own the picture, though. Only the individual who bought the piece of art has such power.

Here is where a lot of folks can become perplexed. NFTs can be compared to a piece of physical art. The Mona Lisa is available in lifelike replicas for sale. However, unlike hand-painted artwork, there are no minor distinctions that allow you to distinguish between the two. The NFT artwork will be the same, exact to the pixel.

The Blockchain Cannot Be Copied

NFTs are built using the same blockchain technology as Bitcoin. Etheruem, however, is the most popular cryptocurrency and decentralized financial system in the NFT sector. This is how the legitimacy of the image’s owner can be established.

The blockchain records every time the NFT has been transferred from one owner to another, going all the way back to when the artist first put it for sale after minting it. Then, each machine in the network receives a portion of this digital ledger.

The blockchain can be compared to a digital title deed. Every machine on the network regularly updates and analyzes this ledger. As a result, it is hard to steal an NFT’s ownership rights.

It will have a slightly different address even if an identical NFT is launched onto the market. Despite being identical, the two artworks cannot be swapped.

The Same Image Can Be Released in Multiple NFTs

Depending on the artist’s goal, many NFTs of the same image may be officially published as a series, further complicating matters. But on the blockchain, each of these will have its own specific location. They are unique and impossible to fully imitate because of this.

It’s preferable to consider these as autographed books in this situation. The novels differ slightly even though they are all identical and contain the same author’s signature. Each one is a distinct copy.

There are times when NFT artists will release a limited edition of their work, such as 25 of the same exact image, or you’ll see a timed release, where the artist will release the same image for, say, 60 minutes, and the number of images released onto the market depends on how many buyers made a purchase in that time.

The Artist retains the copyright

Whoever possesses the copyright will ultimately be the owner of the picture. In this situation, the NFT world will function similarly to the outside world.

The original artist will typically retain the copyright. Let’s look at the NBA Topshots as an illustration of how this connects to the realm of NFTs. These NFTs were created from popular sporting events.

You do not automatically possess the rights to that footage just because you bought one of these NFTs. The NBA still has that.

You won’t be able to commercialize it, such as by making T-shirts out of it. If you do, the NBA will have the option of suing, which they would do so without much difficulty. The same concepts hold true even when the regulations for other NFTs aren’t as clearly stated. The copyright belongs to the original artist, not to the owner of the NFT.

The only situation in which this rule does not apply is where the buyer is guaranteed entire copyright under the terms of the contract between the NFT’s author and the purchaser. However, this won’t be the case most of the time.

Through the blockchain, the image’s original creator is likewise noted. The act of uploading an NFT is referred to as minting. This is a part of the ledger for all time and cannot be removed.


The process of copying an NFT is difficult. It is very simple to reproduce the artwork; all you need to do is snap a screenshot to get an exact duplicate. However, because the token is kept on the blockchain, it is nearly impossible to duplicate the token itself. Even if you are the owner of the NFT, you frequently have no legal rights to the image. They will belong to the performer. The universe of ownership and NFTs should be much more evident as long as you keep in mind these fundamental ideas.

This is how the thing are going in the web.3 world. More information read in our next articles, that are going to be even more informative. Also check one of the most promising NFT project that we recommend If you have any questions on the subject, visit our Discord community and ask everything you want inside.